Observe and Learn - Jeremiah 8:7 (Lovely Birds of Lent Week 3)

“Even the stork in the sky

    knows her appointed seasons,

and the dove, the swift and the thrush

    observe the time of their migration.

But my people do not know

    the requirements of the Lord.” Jeremiah 8:7

““Does the hawk take flight by your wisdom

    and spread its wings toward the south?

Does the eagle soar at your command

    and build its nest on high?

It dwells on a cliff and stays there at night;

    a rocky crag is its stronghold.

From there it looks for food;

    its eyes detect it from afar.” Job 39:26-29

Observe and Learn – Jeremiah 8:7 (Lovely Birds of Lent Week 3)

I love the little bird in this week’s printable. It is looking up intently and has that tail sticking straight up. It seems to be very alert and observant. Both of the scripture passages that I read for this week speak of birds being observant. 

In Jeremiah 8:7, birds are credited for observing the times and seasons as is evidenced by their migration. This alertness and intelligence is contrasted with the people of God who are not observant of the Word of God. 

“Even the stork in the sky

    knows her appointed seasons,

and the dove, the swift and the thrush

    observe the time of their migration.

But my people do not know

    the requirements of the Lord.” Jeremiah 8:7

“Even the stork in the sky
    knows her appointed seasons,
and the dove, the swift and the thrush
    observe the time of their migration.
But my people do not know
    the requirements of the Lord.” Jeremiah 8:7

Inside Out

During Lent, we can spend time looking intently into the Word of God and staying alert to the work He is doing in our lives. His Word is “living and active” (Hebrews 4:12) and is as relevant today to our lives as it was in the moments after it was written. When we are in His Word consistently, it has an impact on our daily lives. His Word transforms us from the inside out. 

Eagle Eyes

 ““Does the hawk take flight by your wisdom

    and spread its wings toward the south?

Does the eagle soar at your command

    and build its nest on high?

It dwells on a cliff and stays there at night;

    a rocky crag is its stronghold.

From there it looks for food;

    its eyes detect it from afar.” Job 39:26-29

Like the eagles mentioned in this passage, we need to have “eyes that detect from afar.” As God’s people, we have to be alert and be observant of the times around us, watching and praying rather than worrying. We put our trust in the God who can do the impossible. His eyes are always watching over us. Let’s look up like our little bird, observing the care of our Father. 

Bible art journaling entry for Jeremiah 8:7 - Lovely Birds of Lent Week 3

Lovely Birds of Lent Week 3 Action Step:

Take a moment today to observe what God is doing in your life. Through what events can you see His Hand at work, His care for You, or His protection from harm? What bible verse jumps out to you during this season? Observe and learn how God’s word interacts with your daily life. Be an alert little birdie this week!

Come on over to the Facebook group @DevoInAction (https://www.facebook.com/devoinaction) and share your thoughts about today’s devotional or post a pic of your journaling under Lovely Birds of Lent Week 3 or post on Instagram and tag me @devoinaction! What do you see God doing in your life?

Lovely Birds of Lent Week 3 Prayer:

Dear God, Give us eyes to see Your goodness in our lives right now. Help us to be Christ-followers who are observing Your Word and applying it in our lives. Thank You that You are always watching us and caring for us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Lovely Birds of Lent Week 3 Video:

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Observe and Learn – Jeremiah 8:7 (Lovely Birds of Lent Week 3)

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