Bible Art Journaling Connections
As Bible art journalers, we connect to God’s Word creatively through the arts. I have recently made a new connection that can help out Devotion in Action. I am honored to be chosen as an affiliate for Bible Journaling Ministries. By clicking my link to check out the offerings at Bible Journaling Ministries, you can help support Devotion in Action. It never costs you anything extra, but it helps out this ministry. Thanks so much!
They offer new kits every month for Bible journaling, but one of my favorite things by Tracie Rollins is a free 10-day beginner course that gives viewers a solid foundation in motivation, techniques, and supplies.
Free 10-day Beginner Course: https://xy270.isrefer.com/go/Beginner/devoinaction/
Momentum is a Bible Journaling Ministries subscription service that gives you access for a flat fee to a huge collection of new printables every month.
Momentum Monthly Subscription Information: https://xy270.isrefer.com/go/M25/devoinaction/
Momentum Annual Subscription Information: https://xy270.isrefer.com/go/ANNUAL/devoinaction/
2023 Armor of God Bible Journaling Conference Free Registration: https://armorofgod.biblejournalingconference.com/?sc=JyKJM92o&ac=sC8M8FBI