December Devotions and Doodles – Day 8 (December 8) Scripture Reading: Luke 1:46-55 And Mary said: 46 My soul praises the greatness of the Lord, 47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48 because he has looked with favor on the
December Devotions and Doodles – Day 7
December Devotions and Doodles – Day 7 (December 7) Scripture Reading: Luke 1:39-45 39 In those days Mary set out and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judah 40 where she entered Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth.
December Devotions and Doodles – Day 5
December Devotions and Doodles – Day 5 (December 5) Scripture Reading: Luke 1:5-25 5 In the days of King Herod of Judea, there was a priest of Abijah’s division named Zechariah. His wife was from the daughters of Aaron, and her
December Devotions and Doodles – Day 4
December Devotions and Doodles – Day 4 December Devotions and Doodles – Day 4 (December 4) Scripture Reading: Ruth 4:13-22 13 Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. He slept with her, and the Lord granted conception to her,
December Devotions and Doodles – Day 2
December Devotions and Doodles – December 2 Scripture Reading: Isaiah 53:1-6 1 Who has believed what we have heard?And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?2 He grew up before him like a young plantand like a root out of dry
Be the Light Bible Journaling Conference – Your FREE Ticket!
Don’t Miss Your FREE Ticket! Have you ever wondered about Bible journaling? Wanted to grow closer to God? Maybe you wish you could attend an awesome Christian conference, but the best ones are too far away, too expensive, or too
The Blessing of His Prosperity – Psalm 1:1-3
How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked or stand in the pathway with sinners or sit in the company of mockers! Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates
The Blessing of His Presence – Isaiah 41:10
“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you, I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 (CSB) The
4 Lessons From Moving
4 Lessons from Moving I know I have been MIA from the blog lately. No, I haven’t fallen completely off the map. No, I did not contract some strange disease that keeps me from typing. I have been moving. You
Don’t Harden Your Heart
Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: Today, if you hear his voice,do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion,on the day of testing in the wilderness,where your fathers tested me, tried me,and saw my works for forty years.Therefore I