Happy Thanksgiving!
November is here and in the United States, it is the month of Thanksgiving! But, when you think about it, shouldn’t every month be a month of thanksgiving for Christians?!
Gratitude and praise should flow from us because of all God has done for us! However, when times are hard like they have been for many of us this year, it can be difficult to keep our eyes on our blessings and our hearts thankful.
Let’s take this month to get our gratitude groove back! We can work out the muscles of thankfulness and praise all November long!
When is it?
November 2-31, 2020
Where is it?
On the Devotion in Action blog and Facebook group, I will post each week a devotional about gratitude. Please comment with your thoughts on the scripture/song and pics of your Bible journaling or ideas about how we can keep our hearts’ grateful during this season. I will also be posting videos on my Devotion in Action YouTube Channel this month.
What do I need?
Access to the internet! That’s it! A way to read the devotionals/scriptures is all you need. If you want to participate in the Bible journaling component, you can use whatever supplies you have to journal about the scriptures used in the devotional post that day. You can even post them with the hashtag #diagratefulworship
There are also LOTs of free printables for you to use in this challenge if you wish! They are available in the Devotion in Action Free Resource Library! (If you have not gotten the password to the Resource Library, click here!)

November 2nd – 8th: Count Your Blessings
November 9th – 15th: Give Thanks Unto the Lord Jehovah
November 16th – 22nd: For the Beauty of the Earth
November 23rd – 29th: Now Thank We all Our God
November 30th: Wrap it Up! and What’s Next?